Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Uppercase Living

You are looking at Uppercase Living's newest independent contractor! Since I became a stay-at-home-mom, I have tossed around the idea of joining a direct sales type of company (Avon, Tupperware, etc), so when I came across this company I knew this is what I wanted to try. The type of products UL sells is very innovative and the market is not saturated one bit.
With the crummy economy, I have really felt the need to earn some supplemental income and hopefully be able to send Maddie to MDO a couple times a week (MDO is crazy expen$ive!). I just hope the economy isn't so crummy that no one will purchase from me!
I'm working to get everything started up and hopefully I'll have pictures of products in my own home to share with everyone! My website is http://mlocklear.uppercaseliving.net/ and I will be able to take orders via the web. Maybe in the next few months I'll have an open house to invite all my girlfriends over to see what I have in my home, and of course it's a good excuse to make yummy food and catch up on gossip, um I mean news.
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